Thursday, December 31, 2009

Invite in the mail

Hi Guys,

This is my first blog post.  On Chrismtas Eve my application status was updated to say the invite to West Africa, departing June 1st, was in the mail!  From wiki, it looks like I will be going to Ghana!!  I'll update once I get the invitation packet.

As a background to my timeline, I interviewed in January 2009, was nominated as a business advising volunteer to a non-Spanish speaking Latin American country leaving February 2010.  Medically/dentally cleared in September 2009, updated resume sent in October 2009.  At the end of November I was notified (because I called) that I was no longer eligible for my nomination because they added a language requirement.  BOO!!!

The week of Christmas I followed up again with the Placement Office and they said I'd be going to Africa instead; excellent!!

So...has anyone else gotten an invite for June 1st? It'd be great to meet some of the people who'll be sharing this adventure.
