Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pics of Late

My bean lady at the HoHoe market.

Shot of HoHoe market (on a non-market day; market days are crazy.)

Critters at my house.

Rose; look at those eyes.

So a few months ago I made the finger mask face at some of the kids.  Since then we practice; some of them get it and some of them are still stabbing themselves in their eyes.  It's hilarious to watch them try.  I'll be walking through the village and a kid will randomly pop out of a door or window and throw up their mask, then I throw up mine in return...and the adults look at us like we're nuts and laugh.

Pretty rainbow over our mountain.

Today Was a Good Day!

April 25, 2012

Today was a good day.  I woke up to a cool breeze; I laid in bed for about an hour just feeling the cool and smelling the smell of cool. The sky was overcast and looking like it might rain.  It felt like a fall day and that’s something I miss terribly.  I made some cinnamon toast and a cup of tea and sat around reading a book.  The rain didn’t come, so I got ready to head to HoHoe.  I dropped off headbands at Aunty Felicia’s and then headed to my seamstress.

I spent time there hanging out and figuring out what to make with all the cloth I’ve recently bought (I have a serious addiction). After that, I started to walk to town; the day was still cool…I didn’t sweat…it was nice.  I stopped off to eat some banku and palm soup at small chop bar.  I usually stop here when I’m on this side of town.  I sat in the little hut, feeling the weather, and thinking how I’m gonna miss eating with my hands.  I walk on and stop to see Eric at the cloth shop…low and behold he has the brown linen I’ve been looking for to make pants.

Now it’s on to the market.  Last week I talked to some of the ladies and said I wanted to come and take pictures of their stalls.  They think I’m insane because I think the big bowls of beans and rice look beautiful.  They laugh at me as I snap the dirt paths and wooden stalls.  I catch my tro back to Todome, drop, and walk through the village with the breeze still singing through the leaves.  The breeze here sounds amazing because the trees, grass, and bushes are so thick…it’s really amazing.  I love that a simple thing like air moving has a feel, sound, and smell.

I arrive in my yard and find kids gathering mangos that have fallen from my tree.  I drop my stuff of inside and we sit on the porch sucking on mangos; juice dripping down to our elbows.  Mango season…  After our snack they want to color.  Later, I bust out my camera and they turn into little bouncing monkey children.  After a while they go home and I head inside to read.  The breeze is actually cold.  These days, if I’m not sweating at least a little, I feel cold….I LOVE IT.  I curl up in bed under my two-yard, snuggle with Monkey and read my book.

Chris calls and we talk about how we can’t believe that we have less than 3 months left in Ghana…we are all a giddy mess about this.  It’s so exciting!  Next week is our Close of Service conference and we’ll get to pick our actual dates of flying out of Ghana…it’s like Christmas morning!

I’m currently cooking light soup while Francis is pounding fufu.  A delicious meal at the end of a delicious day.  I’m happy today.  Francis said we’re gonna play cards tonight.  Last time I kicked his butt at rummy; tonight is the re-match.  My favorite baby, Michaela, turned 2 this week; we killed a chicken and had soup.
