Thursday, January 21, 2010

Something I Can't Wait For

One thing that has me soooo excited about Ghana is the drumming. It's so beautiful and rythmic.  Here's a taste :)


Well, still haven't got the invite yet :( The PC office did receive my first invitation (sent Dec 23) back ...undeliverable because they didn't put my apartment number on it (FO' REAL? Do they know what they're doing to me?)
On a different note, on January 15 the PC medical office sent me stuff for updated dental info since my check up will be over a year old before I leave...I received this on Jan 19. WTF???? How can PC medical mail get here in 3 days and PC placement mail take weeks??? Grrrrrr.

Anyway, the dental stuff did say that I was slated for Staging on June 2nd for Ghana...yip yip!! Country has been confirmed!!! But that elusive invite is still floatin around somewhere...


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Still have not received my invitation package, so I called the placement office yesterday (the 11th) to let them know that I still haven't received it (they sent it on the 23rd).  They sent out a new one this morning, so hopefully I will get it in the next week or so.  After a year of waiting, the last two weeks have been especially cruel and I've been especially annoying.  I call my apartment ladies everyday, "Did I get a package? Did I, did I?"...bless their hearts.

Come on Fedex!!!