Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Still have not received my invitation package, so I called the placement office yesterday (the 11th) to let them know that I still haven't received it (they sent it on the 23rd).  They sent out a new one this morning, so hopefully I will get it in the next week or so.  After a year of waiting, the last two weeks have been especially cruel and I've been especially annoying.  I call my apartment ladies everyday, "Did I get a package? Did I, did I?"...bless their hearts.

Come on Fedex!!!


  1. I have been looking at my phone every day wanting to call you...but you are at work when I am thinking this and then it somehow slips my mind! So frustrating!!! But I am thinking of you and crossing my fingers for you to get your package super soon and I will call this week!!! I miss you friend!

  2. Wow that would be stressful! I hope this one doesn't get lost eek! Congratulations on your invitation :)

  3. So frustrating!!! Check the regular mail, too. My invite came USPS.


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